C (191/301)

From:Gabriele Svelto
Date:17 Aug 99 at 22:41:24
Subject:Installing GCC

From: Gabriele Svelto <jlpicard@tiscalinet.it>

Hello everybody,
I know this mail will sound stupid to the most of you but I need help on
installing GCC, it's a week now I'm fighting with it! I followed exactly
all the instructions provided but once I run the gcc command a requester
pops up claiming about some bizare ssystem() function... Since I've already
installed Dice and VBCC whithout problems I really don't know why I cannot
get GCC running. I'll be really gratefull if somebody can help me (I need a
c++ compiler at once, I'm sick of learning c++ whithout being able to use
thanks in advance


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